You probably have heard the devastation COVID-19 is causing our country and communities. The size and scale of the COVID-19 pandemic is nothing we’ve seen before. By the day, it continues to test the resilience of our care community. Now, more than ever, we realize the real threat to our beloved elderly clients.

Doctors Choice Senior Services is prepared. Our work continues. We recognize the unprecedented challenges our front-line care staff makes each time they leave their homes to keep our clients safe and protected. Our team is working round the clock to make sure our staff is supported in caring and providing resources for elderly loved ones.

We continue to lean into the medical experts and government agencies for a guideline as we reflect rapidly changing pronouncements from:
  •        California Department of Public Health
  •        Department of Social Services
  •        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  •        Department of Industrial Relations
  •        Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  •        Office of CA Gov. Gavin Newsom
We take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously, and the health and wellbeing of our clients is our absolute top priority.  Given the high-risk COVID-19 poses to our vulnerable senior population.

Here are the steps our community partners are taking to ensure the safety of our elderly seniors:
  • Senior living communities are monitoring all those who enter their facilities.
  • Prohibit Visitors to communities except in certain limited situations,
  • Community events canceled
  • Limiting the number of caregivers interacting with residents at communities
  • Having meals delivered to their apartments for social distancing
  • Use of Technologies such as Facetime, Skype and other tools to help residents stay in touch with loved ones
  • Tele Medicine  to meet the needs of residents who may need to be in touch with their doctor
  • virtual tour experience any families seeking support to share Information on recommended communities through Skype, FaceTime, or phone calls.
Doctors Choice Senior Services takes our responsibility to support seniors and their families seriously, and we are especially committed to doing so during this challenging time. We look forward to working with you to determine how we can best serve you, and you're elderly loved one and will keep you informed as this situation evolves.

We remain confident in our ability to provide our clients with the best care possible as we navigate this challenging situation.


Thank You and Please Be Safe!.
